Play Report: Lorn Song of the Bachelor x Mangayaw (Session 3)

The Binmanwa Party

  • Malakas, a shamanistic healer
  • Bantok, a bow hunter
  • Eumining-gud, an aswang (?)
  • Dumalapdap, a ratfolk musketeer
  • Alon, a textile weaver
  • Kilala, a ratfolk cook
  • Tusok, a witch’s apprentice

Enter Tusok, New Party Member

Another boat entered the ruin behind the party. It had just one passenger. He waved at the party with his tattooed arms.

He called himself Tusok, the apprentice of a witch connected to the Company. He had a debt to her, so he’s pretty much in the same situation as the rest of the party. He claims his companions have gone ahead of him in the ruin.

The party gave their wary introductions. Some don’t know whether to trust him yet. “Prove your worth,” they said.

Eumining-gud recognized the tattoos, shaped like elephant tusks. They are Mentala that will change his entire form. But to what, she doesn’t know yet.

The Lungs

Exploring the ruin, they came upon a fork in the road with three paths. They took the first one which led them to a dome chamber.

It looks like a ballroom, at least it must have been before. But now its carpet is that of roaches and guano, its ceiling fixtures are that of kingfishers hanging like bats, and its dancing music is that of deafening chirps and chatter.

One kingfisher stood out. It looks like a hologram projected into incense smoke. “Stupid human! Come here! Trapped here? Name’s Sikkukurut!”

The party is wary of the smog bird, but they conversed with it.

“Sikkukurut knows stuff! Help Sikkukurut?”

The bird wants treats; vampire snails are her favorite. The bird wants help with pranks. She tells them to completely detooth a cave crocodile. “Funny shit!”

The party had no idea what a vampire snail or a cave crocodile is like, but said they’ll come back when they have done either. They wonder if the real prank was on them.

The Cloth-Packed Belly

The party doubled back and took the second tunnel. The path is interrupted by an abyss. There is a path across made of teak logs, staked onto the face of the wall. The party hopped onto each teak log to pass through.

They come upon an ink-black archway sporting cavorting monkeys. Beyond it is a shopping-arcade-like space. Each open lot is overflowing with a different kind of human accountrement. A hulking mass of pebbles and stones is sorting through a pile.

The party is intrigued by the pebble golem. They tossed a random stone in its direction, to get its attention. The stone snaps like a magnet and joined the pebble golem’s body. It noticed the party, but doesn’t seem to be very interested.

Some turned their eyes on the overwhelming piles of stuff. Dumalapdap found a handful of tokens inscribed with monkeys. Eumining-gud found a sarong with softneck turtle patterns; wearing it makes her neck longer. Alon found a pedal harp made of solid gold, buried under a pile of sandals. Tusok found the clothes of his former group.

The mystery of what happened to the group that came before them weighed on their minds. They remembered something Sikkukurut said. Trapped here, was it?

Treasure Logistics

The party decided to check if the boat they came in with is still where it was, in the mouth of the ruin. Half of the party wanted to bring the gold harp with them. It could make a dent in their collective Debt, after all.

The harp was heavy, made of solid gold. It required two pairs of hands to carry. It was a manageable problem until they got to the teak log path above the abyss. Can’t really hop while carrying a large golden instrument, can they?

An illustration of the situation, by Tusok

After much deliberation, they had a solution: stick their swords underneath the harp to act as skiis, then pull the harp across with some rope.

The plan seemed to work. The harp was halfway through the teak log bridge when they heard a roar of twittering and fluttering. A swarm of kingfishers were heading their way. Almost everyone are on the other side already, but Dumalapdap was right behind the harp, pushing it. He hugged the log he was on and waited for the swarm to pass him by. And pass him by they did.

After the swarm, getting the harp to the other side was an easy task.

The Closed Mouth

The party reached the mouth of the ruin. Something was different. Gone was the sunlight reflecting on shimmering water, now it’s just completely dark.

Their boat was still there. Alon and Tusok used it to go where the opening used to be, only to be met with solid rock. Sikkukurut was right. They are trapped.


Ever had moments in a session when you forget details of rooms or encounters? Or when you change a feature of an adventure because you think it would be cool, but in the back of your mind you hope this change doesn’t betray the other elements of the adventure?

This session had a lot of those. Here’s hoping nothing breaks lol.

At least my group said they had fun. 😀

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